
#110 13035 84th Ave, Surrey BC,

Canda, V3W 1B3

Let′s talk


We are open:

Mon-Sat: 8 am-7 pm

Martha Summers





Martha’s life has taken a lot of amazing u-turns over the last 40 years…


At the age of 15, immediately after moving from Cuba to the US in 1976, Martha has begun to seek what her professional career may be…


Eventually, after working at numerous nightclubs in Florida, Nevada and LA, she felt that dancing was the right move for her… Considering the high culture of Latin dances present in Cuba at all times, dancing felt very much natural to her…


So after saving a principal capital for 9 years, in 1985 Stephania finally founded her very own dancing studio in Indiana!


fast forward 30 years later and her studio has grown to be one of the most popular ones in the state, with a diverse and universal range of both vivid dancing styles and a team of bold dancing instructors!


This dance instructor works with the following styles:


Leaps 45%
Turns 69%
Positioning 88%
Single and Double turns 46%
Toe touch 69%
Spirals 37%
Body halves 89%
Retire 44%
Jazz walks 38%